In June, The Hague, through the coalition ‘Happy and Healthy The Hague’, became the 48th member of the Cities for Better Health network and the first Dutch city to join this global partnership.

Better health partnership

Already, significant strides are being made through the “Healthy and Happy in The Hague” programme, an initiative led by local partners to tackle health inequities and prevent chronic diseases. This effort is particularly focused on the southwest part of the city, where communities are at higher risk for conditions like pre-diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Worryingly, 57% of The Hague's population is currently overweight, and this number continues to rise.

The Hague is a city of diversity, with more than half of its residents having a recent migration background. The “Healthy and Happy in The Hague” programme prioritises accessibility and inclusivity, aiming to bridge the gap between medical care and social well-being. The ambitious goal is to add ten healthy years to the lives of vulnerable residents by 2040.

A multisector approach is central to the programme's strategy, blending medical and social interventions to offer comprehensive care and primary prevention tailored to individual needs. These interventions are culturally sensitive and community-driven, and pilot programmes have already shown positive results.

Jet Bussemaker, Chair of Healthy and Happy The Hague, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership: "After the great steps we have already taken, we look forward to exchanging practical experience and knowledge further through the network. Cities for Better Health synchronises well with our ideas, particularly community-up working from city residents, and the approach of embedding health in all policies.”

Jo Jewel, Director of the Cities for Better Health network, welcomed the new partners onboard: “We are excited to learn and share the experiences from the ambitious coalition of partners in The Hague. Their commitment to sustainably reducing health barriers in vulnerable communities and fostering holistic improvement aligns with our mission. The localised efforts of our new city partner are exemplary in this regard. A heartfelt welcome to The Hague!"

Learn more about The Hague's journey to better health