After a decade of remarkable partnership to bend the curve on urban diabetes, Cities Changing Diabetes is now Cities for Better Health. This transformation signifies a broader commitment to urban health promotion and primary prevention and a push to create more effective action in more cities.


Cities for Better Health is extending its focus to address and prevent obesity and other serious chronic diseases. On its tenth anniversary, the programme dialled up its commitment to improving health equity, emphasising creating healthy environments for children and vulnerable populations. Informed by a decade’s knowledge sharing, the programme will seek to adapt and replicate successful action more rapidly.

Jo Jewell, Director of Cities for Better Health, is excited and optimistic about starting a new chapter. “There is a real need for transformative change at the community and city level to prevent obesity and other serious chronic diseases, and locally anchored action is where our city partners excel. Together, we will be shifting up a gear, moving from a mapping and researching phase to one of more accelerated implementing of interventions.”

The partnership will emphasise core themes, prioritising healthier food environments, increasing accessible physical activity, and co-creating sustainable financing models. Cities for Better Health will also ramp up its focus on childhood obesity prevention and vulnerable communities to bridge health equity gaps.

"We are focused on promoting health equity in cities through locally tailored initiatives that improve access to healthy food and spaces for physical activity. Expanding primary prevention has great potential to improve health and bring about impactful change in the communities where our partners are active."

Discover highlights from a decade of remarkable partnership and learn more about the future direction of Cities for Better Health in the special anniversary Vision Book.