Joined the programme in 2017

In Hangzhou, a city with a population of 12.2 million people1, 13.8% of adults in Hangzhou are living with diabetes2. Among these, only 56.3% are aware that they have diabetes, meaning that many people are not adequately managing their condition and are likely to develop diabetes-related complications3.


Sunny view of Qianjiang New Town, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

After almost a decade of constructive efforts and interventions, Hangzhou has managed to reduce the prevalence of diabetes in the city. Since 2016, diabetes prevalence in Hangzhou has decreased by 3%. Consistent cross-sector collaboration and the positioning of community doctors as drivers of change have contributed to the city’s success. However, there is still much work to be done.

Key facts and figures



of adults are living with diabetes2



of adults are aware that they have diabetes4

When Hangzhou joined the Cities for Better Health network in 2017, the programme identified the quality of health management offered by healthcare professionals, the diabetes management adherence rate, and diabetes-related complications among people living with the condition as areas for potential improvement. 


Specialised skills for primary care doctors

Strengthening prevention and improving diabetes management at the primary care level has been instrumental in bringing about change in Hangzhou. This was achieved through the Chief Talent Plan training course – a series of standardised training seminars aimed at comprehensively improving the ability of primary care doctors and nurses to prevent and manage diabetes. 


More than 100 general practitioners and their specialised diabetes teams, including nurses, pharmacists and nutritionists, have received training through the Chief Talent Plan. By introducing these specialised skills at the primary care level, Hangzhou has made it easier for residents to seek and receive comprehensive diabetes care within their communities. 


Empowering residents through an app

To raise awareness of diabetes among the general public, Cities for Better Health partners in Hangzhou launched an online diabetes management app. The app targets residents at high risk of developing diabetes and connects users to medical specialists. These healthcare professionals provide users with one-on-one guidance regarding health management. All the data generated by this platform is collected by the municipality, one of the partners in the cross-sector collaboration that made this initiative possible. 


"Hangzhou has realised that the key to prevention and control of chronic diseases lies at the grassroots level."

Yu Qiang, deputy director of HangzhouMunicipal Health Commission

Download Hangzhou action case

Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission 

Hangzhou Primary Health Association


Shi M, Zhang X, Wang H. The Prevalence of Diabetes, Prediabetes and Associated Risk Factors in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 03/03 2022;15:713-721. doi:10.2147/DMSO.S351218


Lin Junying, Jiang Yuanyuan, Ge Yang, The research of rate of diagnosis, treatment, controlling and impact factors of type 2 diabetes patients, PrevMed, Nov. 2


ZHANG Mei-mei, TIAN Ya-jun, WANG Yan-ren, LUO Yi. The epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of overweight, obesity and central obesity in a physical examination center of Hangzhou. Journal of Gannan Medical University. 2018,38(10),1019-1022+1035. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-5779.2018.10.016.