Joined the programme in 2022

In December 2022, Nuremberg became the 45th city to join the Cities for Better Health network. In partnership with local, patient, and doctor organizations, Cities for Better Health Nuremberg aims to bend the curve on diabetes and obesity by supporting an enabling environment for residents to engage in daily exercise and healthy eating.

Nuremberg, Bavaria

Nuremberg is home to over 500,000 inhabitants. Of the six largest cities in Bavaria, Nuremberg has the highest prevalence of obesity, and approximately 9% of its residents are living with diabetes.1

Key facts and figures



of people in Nuremberg are living with diabetes (2021)1



of school children are living with obesity (2015)2

To highlight the need for urban diabetes action in Germany, Cities for Better Health and the Institue of Health Economics (IfG) carried out an analysis of the diabetes situation in five major German cities. The analysis found that Nuremberg had the highest disparities in diabetes prevalence across city districts, with some reporting 5% and others as high as 12%.1 As a result, Cities for Better Health Nuremberg is kicking off by working with stakeholders in the high burden districts to identify existing prevention initiatives and opportunities for further engagement.


As a first action, Cities for Better Health Nuremberg is supporting the GORILLA health promotion and education programme, which teaches school-age children about exercise and healthy eating in a playful way.


“Diabetes is unfortunately widespread. With Cities for Better Health, we want to take preventive measures to push back the disease”

— Marcus König, Mayor of Nuremberg


Neubauer G., Niedermeier C., Wolfenstetter K.: Analysis of the diabetes situation in five major German cities – study as part of the Cities Changing Diabetes initiative. Preliminary final report. Institute for Health Economics (IfG), with support
by Novo Nordisk. 2021


Statistics, Bavarian State Office for Health, 2015.