Earlier this year, EAT and Novo Nordisk launched The Healthy Food
Challenge to find exciting and innovative solutions to advance healthy
and sustainable food environments for vulnerable people. The winners
were announced earlier this month, and the teams behind the winning
Healthy Food Challenge entries joined a special webinar on 24
The celebratory session was an opportunity to put the incredible
teams behind these ideas centre-stage and let them share more about
their superb entries. The webinar was facilitated by Paul Bloch,
Senior Researcher at Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen and part of the
Global Selection Panel and myself.
The winners had
succeeded against a busy and high-quality field of competitors. More
than 100 inspiring proposals were received, requiring selection rounds
to narrow the field to what the judges felt were the strongest and
most promising programmes. The three winners chosen will move forward
and pilot their solutions with the help of grant funding from the
Healthy Food Challenge.
You can now watch the recording
of the webinar, which you can find here.