Leicester Changing Diabetes has launched a new programme to support the prevention of type 2 diabetes through a network of community champions who can reach out to all communities in the city.
The programme is called Empowering Communities and draws champions from community organisations, workplaces and houses of faith. They are invited to attend training workshops, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to empower their communities and promote health and well-being. So far, the programme has trained almost 30 champions and managed to attract funding from the local health service to create a network for the champions to interact with each other.
Employees from Leicester City in the Community, the outreach arm of the Premier League football club, have trained as champions and self-started initiatives including ‘diabetes walk-and-talks’ with members of the community to encourage exercise and learn about risk factors for type 2 diabetes. This has been so successful that participants are now interested in becoming champions. A great snowball effect! You can read more about the programme here.