The Danish city of Aarhus joined Cities Changing Diabetes in 2020 with an ambitious type 2 diabetes prevention plan, targeting a reduction in complications in a vulnerable area. A new social investment model was proposed to use funding from outside the municipal health budget, and now it is ready to launch.
Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus set out to make this happen, developing an investment model with a strong economic case for action (reducing costs of complications), a target group (working age, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes), intervention design, success criteria (blood sugar levels) and financial model (payment for results). The goal is to provide targeted support to 450 people for three years, up significantly from the current cohort of 90 people.
If specified targets are achieved, the investors will receive their loan back with a small premium. The incentivisation element will be supported by a personalised support programme for participants and will start in February 2022.
I am pleased to confirm you will be able to learn more about this investment proposal direct from Otto Ohrt, Aarhus’ public health director, when he will present the case in the final CCD Rounds event of 2021, on 15 December (15.00 –16.00 CET). Invitations will go out in early November, so if you want to learn more about the interesting mechanics of this innovative social care investment, it would be good to mark your diary now.