Faith & Diabetes is an excellent example of how to engage participants through a supersetting approach. The team behind the initiative offered a masterclass on 15 and 17 November, sharing experiences and unpacking their Faith & Diabetes Blueprint to a global audience. 

The Faith & Diabetes Masterclass: How to Develop a Participatory Process for Involving Houses of Faith was presented by Stuart Nelson, Vice President at the Institute for Spirituality and Health at the Texas Medical Center, and Klaus Krøyer Madsen, Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Cities Changing Diabetes in the US. Stuart and Klaus demonstrated how participants could start planning a Faith & Diabetes initiative by using the blueprint, which is available, along with the Houston Case Study materials, here.

38 participants joined from 13 cities. The highly-engaged audience took advantage of the opportunity to learn about the power that houses of faith have in reaching vulnerable communities and were shown how to best engage faith leaders from practitioners who have first-hand success in cultivating relationships to reach under-resourced populations. 

If you would like to learn more about the case of Faith & Diabetes in Houston and Philadelphia, you can watch the CCD Rounds from April here and access the Faith & Diabetes process blueprint here.