A mix of advice, restrictions, or fear has meant many people in cities have exercised less during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cities Changing Diabetes partners in Berlin’s Marzahn-Hellersdorf district are inspiring people to get moving again.
The partners have come up with 30MAL30, an initiative that motivates, is competitive, accessible and fun. The goal is to get people moving for at least 30 minutes per day for 30 days straight. 30MAL30 can be joined simply by downloading a step counting app onto a smartphone. The target is to register 7,000 steps per day, every day. The initiative inspires participants to walk by providing city walking maps and treasure hunting routes for families with children.
It is hoped that people will remain more active, a key element in the mission to bend to urban diabetes. Anyone can partake, whether as an individual or in a team. The most active have the chance to win prizes of vouchers for local stores.
For more information, or just for inspiration, check out the initiative website here (in German)