The Tingbjerg Changing Diabetes supersetting approach has been published in the BMJ Open, a high-impact peer-reviewed journal that champions better research. Tingbjerg Changing Diabetes is a Cities Changing Diabetes best practice case, and it is great that we now have a peer-reviewed reference for this case. The case inspired our launch session of the CCD Rounds, featuring the journal article co-author Paul Bloch (watch the recording here) and Tingbjerg features in the Urban Diabetes Action Framework case catalogue
(access here).

Tingbjerg Changing Diabetes is a long-term community intervention initiative to promote health and prevent type 2 diabetes among high-risk population groups living in a socially deprived Copenhagen suburb. The dynamic and versatile partnership delivers activities and projects co-created with Tingbjerg’s citizens to prevent diabetes.

The supersetting approach is an intervention strategy for comprehensive community interventions, that strives to attain synergistic effects through the coordinated engagement of multiple stakeholders in multiple settings to mobilise local resources and strengthen social networks for collective community action.  

You can read the publication here